ACRBR Position Statement on Dr Teo and Khurana's literature review

The Australian Centre for RF Bioeffects Research (ACRBR) has responded to a literature review by Khurana et al, concluding:

‘…Many of the conclusions made in the paper contradict those made by international expert committees, without providing adequate reasons for rejecting the standard view. On the contrary, we believe that the standard view of science, which is that there is currently no evidence that mobile phones have any negative health effects (as espoused by such groups as the World Health Organisation; see above), is an accurate reflection of the literature to date.'

Background:  In March 2009 Khurana, Teo, Kundi, Hardell & Carlberg published a literature review that investigated possible associations of long term mobile phone use and brain tumours (Khurana et al., Surgical Neurology, March 26, 2009). The paper attracted considerable media interest in Australia, where the issue was broadcast on such programs as Channel 9’s “60 Minutes”, and ABC’s “Lateline”. Given the wide publicity, it is possible that that the use of this paper in the media may have misled audiences about this issue, thus the ACRBR has put together these brief comments on the paper.

Click here for the ACRBR Review...