Epidemiology Commentary: Mobile Phones and Cancer: Next Steps After the 2011 IARC Review

Members of the 2011 IARC Working Group Jonathan M Samet, Kurt Straif, Joachim Schuz,  and Rodolfo Saracci  have published an article in the Journal of Epidemiology (January 2014) looking at the next steps after the IARC classification. 

The article summarises the evidence and studies reviewed for the IARC classification, and what  new research has been published since 2011.

The authors state:

"Here, we offer our views on these studies and the next steps after the IARC classification. This commentary is based on our knowledge of the epidemiologic evidence and our participation (J.M.S. as Chair and R.S., K.S., and J.S. as members of the IARC secretariat) in the IARC Working Group"

Click here for the Epidemiology article