European Health Risk Assessment Network on EMF (EFHRAN) reports on priorities for EMF health risk management and risk communication
This report from EFHRAN details and evaluates the main items and considerations identified during the Risk Assessment on Electromagnetic Field Exposure workshop in Brussels in July 2012, and outlines how these constitute possible inputs to policy and health authorities and which should be considered as priorities for future health risk management and risk communication initiatives on electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure.
The report lists the main inputs and priorities to future risk management processes that were identified are as follows:
- Investment in the collection of data on the actual levels of EMF exposure among the Europeanpopulation, for all frequency ranges. Currently, few data are available and these are collected in a uncoordinated way. Policy and health authorities should invest in actions focused on providing harmonized data, collected using the same or similar protocols across Europe, and with sufficient statistical power so as to maximise reliability of the results.
- Investment in the study of biophysical and biological mechanisms of interaction, using innovative theory and techniques, such as quantum mechanics (QM) molecular simulations, systems biology
and proteomics. - Investment in studies related to specific novel uses of EMF-emitting devices, in particular Intermediate Frequency technologies, such as radio frequency identification systems (RFID), antitheft
gates, and specific population subgroups, such as children. - Building upon existing epidemiological resources (birth cohorts, INTEROCC, Mobi-Kids etc) with improved exposure assessment and exposure validations to provide answers to outstanding questions on EMF health effects (reproductive, behavioural, cancer, etc.) in relation to RF and IF wherever possible rather than setting de novo expensive epidemiological studies to investigate specific outcomes and exposures. Evaluating, where possible, joint effects of EMF and of other environmental agents to which humans are exposed in the general environment and at work,
- Investment in (technical and non-technical) methods for reducing exposure of the population, and to improve and facilitate health risk communication to the general public. This should include a quantitative analysis of the effect that such methods might have on reducing any potential health impacts in the EU population (combining dose-response assessment and risk characterization). This should be achieved both through modelling and through experimental measurement studies.
- Improvement in health risk communication to reduce the gaps between relevant scientific evidence and European citizens’ health risk perception.