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December 2011

Australia - Cancer council launches 'i heard' website to dispel myths about cancer

The Cancer Council Australia has launched a new web site called iheard which has been created to dispel the many myths, rumours and fanciful claims about cancer including mobile phones. ... click here for more information

European Commission - SCENIHR asked to examine new scientific evidence

The European Commission has requested the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) to update its previous opinions on the potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). ... click here for more information

Australia - Researchers Find Mobile Phones dont effect Sleep

University of Sydney researchers have debunked the widespread belief that technological devices such as computers and mobile phones are increasingly eating into our sleep, in a paper published in the December issue of the Medical Journal of Australia. ... click here for more information

Spain: Scientific Advisory Committee CCARS finds no evidence that Wi-Fi effects schoolchildren

Spain - The Scientific Advisory Committee on Radio Frequencies and Health (CCARS) has drafted a report analysing the possible health effect of Wi-Fi systems, which overwhelmingly concludes that, at least to date, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that exposure to the low emission levels of these systems produces adverse health effects in schoolchildren.
... click here for more information

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) says smart meter exposure is very low.

The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) says smart meter exposure is very low. ... click here for more information

European Commission 2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health

The Presentations from the 2011 European Commission International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health in Belgium, are now available online. ... click here for more information

Mobile telecommunications and health : Report of an investigation into an alleged cancer cluster in UK

An investigation into an alleged cancer cluster in Sandwell, West Midlands, UK following the installation of a nearby base station has not established a link to cancer. ... click here for more information

November 2011

IARC publish Q&A on how recent research relates to their classification of RF

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has publish a Q & A intended to set the recent scientific findings from the Agency on the possible relationship between use of mobile phones and the risk of cancer into a broader context. ... click here for more information

October 2011

Systematic review of wireless phone use and brain cancer and other head tumors

This paper published in Bio Electro Magnetics (Oct 2011) is a systematic review of scientific studies to evaluate whether the use of wireless phones is linked to an increased incidence of the brain cancer glioma or other tumors of the head ... click here for more information

Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study

There is no link between long-term use of mobile phones and tumours of the brain or central nervous system, finds new research published on today. ... click here for more information

Netherlands Health Council says electromagnetic fields have no effect on children’s brains

There is no scientific evidence for a negative influence of exposure to electromagnetic field of mobile telephones, base station antennas or Wi-Fi equipment on the development and functioning of the brain and on health in children according to a Netherlands ... click here for more information

Health Canada release new fact sheet on WiFi

Health Canada has released a new fact sheet on exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi equipment concluding, Health Canada s position is that no precautionary measures are needed, since RF energy exposure levels from Wi-Fi are typically well below Canadian and international safety limits ... click here for more information

New SAR Information resource (sar

In response to requests for more information about the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of mobile phone handsets, the Mobile Manufacturers Forum has developed a program to increase awareness of SAR information for the benefit of consumers. ... click here for more information

September 2011

The energy impact of lower RF-EMF exposure limits – case study on the Brussels region

Mobile network operators in Brussels anticipate that approximately 400 new base stations will need to be added to the already existing 1,000 sites as a result of the new legislation ... click here for more information

August 2011

INTERPHONE: No Risk Increase for Acoustic Neuroma

The results for the INTERPHONE analysis of acoustic neuroma has been published in Cancer Epidemiology and finds no overall evidence of increased risk - a benign tumour of one of the nerves of the ear.

... click here for more information

AMTA EME Update - August 2011 Edition

The latest edition of AMTA EME Update presents global scientific research, news and views on health and safety aspects of mobile telecommunications including an update since the IARC Classification of developments on health and safety issues related to ... click here for more information

ITU Workshop on Practical measurement of EMF exposure

In July 2011, The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) held a workshop in conjunction with the Botswana Telecommunications Authority, on Practical measurement of EMF exposure The workshop included presentations from the World Health Organization (WHO) ... click here for more information

July 2011

International study finds no overall evidence of increased risk of childhood brain cancer

The first international study of mobile phone use and childhood brain cancer was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and finds no overall evidence of increased risk of brain cancer. ... click here for more information

GSMA Wireless networks & health presentation at the annual Carribean CANTO conference

Dr Jack Rowley was a keynote speaker on Building Mobile Networks Responding to Public Concern at the 27th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition of the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunication Organizations (CANTO) in Paramaribo, Suriname ... click here for more information

Long-Term Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuromas: A Danish Nationwide Cohort Study

Acoustic neuromas also known as Vestibular schwannomas grow in the region within the brain where most of the energy by radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from using mobile phones is absorbed. ... click here for more information

ICNIRP Paper - Mobile Phones, Brain Tumours and the Interphone Study: Where Are We Now?

The International Commission for Non Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has published a paper examining the Interphone results a year on and where the science is currenty at. ... click here for more information

June 2011

WHO Updates Fact sheet on Mobile phones and health

The World Health Organization (WHO) has updated the fact sheet on electromagnetic fields and public health : mobile phones to refer to the recent IARC classification. ... click here for more information

IARC classification for radio frequency fields (RF)

On 31st May 2011, IARC classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use. ... click here for more information

May 2011

New Interphone Publication - Location of Gliomas in Relation to Mobile Telephone Use

The latest INTERPHONE paper - Location of Gliomas in Relation to Mobile Telephone Use: A Case-Case and Case-Specular Analysis, Larjavaara et al., American Journal of Epidemiology has been published online: 24 May 2011. ... click here for more information

UK HPA Assessment of Wi-Fi in Schools; Results of Laboratory Measurements

Laboratory measurements by the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) have been carried out with examples of Wi-Fi devices used in UK schools to evaluate the radiofrequency power densities around them and the total emitted powers. ... click here for more information

April 2011

NY Times article on cell phones and brain cancer

The New York Times have published an in depth article by Siddhartha Mukherjee of Columbia University in New York, which explains the importance and history of the three legs of science (population, animal and cellular) in regard to mobile phones and brain cancer ... click here for more information

US - Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975 - 2007

The American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) collaborate annually to provide updated information on cancer occurrence ... click here for more information

March 2011

UK Department of Health publish updated mobile phone health leaflet

The British Department of Health has updated their brochure on mobile phones and base stations stating: There is no immediate need for concern when using mobile phones or having a base station in your area. ... click here for more information

February 2011

effects of mobile phone exposure on brain metabolism

A study conducted by Dr Nora Volkow from the US National Institutes of Health has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. ... click here for more information

brain cancer incidence rates in relation to mobile phone use in England

A new study shows increased use of mobile phones between 1985 and 2003 has not led to a noticeable change in the incidence of brain cancer in England between 1998 and 2007 ... click here for more information

January 2011

Swedish Radiation Safety Authority - 7th Annual Report on EMF and health

The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has released its 7th report on EMF and health from appointed international Independent Expert Group (IEG) on Electromagnetic Fields and health. ... click here for more information

Smart meters and potential health risks

Four new reports have been issued in the US on the subject of RF EMF exposure from smart meters and potential health effects. ... click here for more information

Developed by AMTA, GSMA and MMF